Smile Makeover - Boston, MA

At The Face Dental Group, our cosmetic dentists specialize in enhancing, restoring, and correcting smiles, providing a life-changing experience that boosts confidence and encourages people to showcase their smiles. Many individuals have specific aspects they dislike about their smiles, such as tooth gaps, missing teeth, crooked teeth, old restorations, discoloration, or minor imperfections.

During your initial consultation for a smile makeover in Boston, we engage in a personalized one-on-one conversation to understand your preferences and pinpoint exactly what you are dissatisfied with. This visit includes a comprehensive clinical examination, digital photography in our studio, and intraoral scans of your current situation.

Close up of mouth with several damaged teeth before smile makeover in Boston Close up of mouth with a complete set of flawless teeth

Utilizing 3D Smile Design technology and working collaboratively with our design team, we create a custom smile prototype for you. This process incorporates advanced technology and AI to achieve a natural-looking smile that harmonizes with your facial features, aiming to emulate nature at its best. In the next session, you get to try your new smile, allowing you to view it properly. Once satisfied with the design, our world-class team of designers and master technicians utilize the highest quality dental materials and ceramics to turn your envisioned, natural-looking smile into a reality.

Smiling brunette woman with flawed teeth Smiling brunette woman with straight white teeth
Close up of smile with flawed teeth Close up of smile with straight white teeth